A standard eye examination does not reveal enough information about the complexities of visual dysfunction associated with a concussive injury. However, it is important to do a general eye examination after the injury to make sure there are no prescription, visual acuity, peripheral vision, or ocular health changes.
A Neuro-Optometric Assessment is then required to further investigate symptoms associated with PTVS. This specialized examination entails:
- Binocular vision analysis: eye alignment in all gazes at various distance, performance testing to determine how stable the eyes work together under stress
- Eye movement analysis including smooth tracking, fast gaze changes
- Stability of vision with head or body motion
- Focusing ability, stamina, and flexibility
- Spatial vision
- Visuomotor skills
- Integration between vision and the balance system
- Visual perceptual and processing skills
- Trial frame of various optical tools, e.g. prism lenses, selective lens occlusion, visual stress-relieving prescription lenses, or coloured tints to improve visual function and comfort
The assessment can take anywhere from 1 to 1.5 hours.